Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Qaia MD, the team brings together top talent from various fields, including software development, healthcare technology, cybersecurity and data analytics. Each member contributes unique expertise, driving our success in delivering innovative, tailored solutions.

Ibrahim H Qaia, MD.
Founder / CEO & Data Analytics
man in black framed eyeglasses doing peace sign
man in black framed eyeglasses doing peace sign
Qazim G
Blokchain Specialist & Project Manager
man in black polo shirt using laptop computer
man in black polo shirt using laptop computer
Amy Alhepp

Cybersecurity & HR Manager

man crossing both arms
man crossing both arms

Software Development Manager

man in black coat standing near trees
man in black coat standing near trees
Heiwaei Itoshi

Global Relations Director

man grey-scale photography
man grey-scale photography
James Wolen
Research & Development Manager
man in black suit jacket and black pants sitting on chair
man in black suit jacket and black pants sitting on chair
Feiria Boaq

Project Director